Dear W,

On the day you were born, we waited to hear that is was time to come in the room and watch you come into the world.  We took bets  – Boy? Girl?  We laughed lots and were told to be quiet.  We kept watch for the dr.  We watched the clock.  We prayed.  We looked outside at the beautiful trees glowing in the sun.  We texted…a lot.  We tried to help your mama but couldn’t help her the way we wanted to.  She was strong and beautiful…and tired.  We wondered if you would sense how much people already loved you.  And then you were born!  A boy!  I was right. I just wanted you to know that.  And I also wanted you to know that you already have a big piece of my heart.


I saw this view on the way to home and it seemed right.


Love you sweet boy,

Auntie Sug