
When you’ve lived in the best neighborhood not only in Kirkland but also IN THE WORLD ? for 13 years, it’s sometimes easy to for me forget that I’m surrounded by remarkable people every day. I’ve watched these kiddos learn to swim at the pool, celebrated with them when they win the potato sack races on the 4th, attentended 13 Celebrations for them or have seen them in a roving pack of kids playing in the park for most of their lives. Samantha’s family is a thread of my woven “life fabric” (so deep! ?) and I feel lucky just to know them all.

Sam loves horses. Her obvious choice for a personal and FUN Senior Portraits was to take her horse, Layde, out and show her off. We met at Gold Creek Equestrian Center in Woodinville, WA!  I love it when the location so perfectly matches the person for their Senior shoot! I think Layde liked being photographed as much Sam! She was always showing us her “good side”.

We started photographing her Juanita Senior Session in and around the barn and then had a short hike through the woods to come out on a beautiful meadow. The meadow had all the elements of my favorite type of Senior photo session; crumbling walls, tall grasses and…a beautiful girl with a horse. You know, normal. And the light ya’ll…oh the light! We hit Golden Hour and she hit us back. I get a little, O.K. A LOT, squeally when the light gets like this. You know you’re witnessing a beautiful moment and I just feel so freaking lucky to be photographing it.

Sammie, thank you for asking me to take your Senior Portraits. I wish you all the best as you finish up this chapter and graduate from Juanita. I feel so lucky that I have been around for the previous chapters and that giddy with anticipation that I’ll be around for future chapters.

Xo Sug