This post is definitely in the “Things That Make Me Happy” category. Last week so full but it was packed full of so many of my favorite things.  I have a lot to be thankful for.

This tree makes me happy because it is in a special place for me.


I think I’ve taken a photo of this tree every year for several years.  Once a year my girlfriends and I go away to my friend KA’s parents house to pick our book club books for the year.  This year we just gave up pretending to be a book group and we are now just a group would loves to be together and stay in our jammies all day and sometimes a few of us read the same book.  I’m thankful for my girls (who’d all kill me if I showed a photo of them all in jammies so I’ll stick with the tree).

I’m thankful for cozy moments like this in front of a real fire.


I’m thankful for my home group.  We celebrated Ryan H’s birthday on Saturday.  There is nothing better than getting together with friends over a yummy meal.  Here’s a few shots from the evening.


Lora decorated the table for me.  I just love it!  Thankful-4

I love it when people pick up my camera and take shots.  Thanks Ryan B for this one.  Look at JJ waiting for his turn to hold Baby W.


I’m also so thankful for my family, wonderful friends here and abroad, love, laughter, adventure, U2 tickets ;)!, new babies in my life, my home, my camera…and on and on.  The Lord has blessed me richly and I am humbled by it.

Happy Thanksgiving!

*I just re-read this and thought I should mention that I’m not trying to be all code-y with KA and JJ that’s really what we call them!  But I never use kids names in my posts so will always say W, C, P or whatever for kids.