We got to go to Yakima this weekend for our good friend’s 50th Anniversary Party.  I’ve told you about this place before HERE.  It holds so many great memories for me and I’m pleased that my girls are now going to have their own fond memories.

The girls were playing “Swedish Twister” in the parlor.  This is the room that I used to pretend I was a princess in.  It’s very princess-y.  But I also have a picture of Mary (the celebrated couple’s daughter) and me arm wrestling in here!

Here are some of my favorites in the whole world of life – Scott and Mary.

Doesn’t she look so cute in her Grandmother’s vintage dress!  And Scott looks, well….I can’t quite get over the mustache.  🙂

And a few more from wandering around.  All but the first were taken in the early morning sun.  Lovely.  I’ve forgotten what it’s like to wake up to sun.Freaking love Yakima!