This post is about my friend H.  I’m a leader for Young Lives (Young Life for Teen Moms) so met her at the HS I volunteer at in the Day Care Center.  She was 17 and pregnant.  She is probably one of the sweetest girls you’ll meet.  She has a shy smile but smiles often.  She generously lets you into her life.  I’m truly a better person having known her the short time I have.  She planned to raise her baby but near the end of her pregnancy made the hard choice to let him be adopted by a family.  I can’t imagine getting to that point and then carrying through with the plan.  But she did.  I just wanted to do a quick post to honor her.  She put her baby’s needs in front of her own and it wasn’t easy.  It took lots of strength, courage and ultimately a strong mother’s love.

So proud of you, H!!