I’ve had the idea for this project in my head for years and I can’t believe it took me so long to finally do it because it was so freaking easy!!  I’m not kidding.  You know how you have a project in mind and you think “that’ll be pretty easy” and it always takes longer than you think it’s going to – this one was one of the few that was actually easier than I thought it’d be!  Once I bought all the supplies, the whole project took me about 20 mins start to finish including taking the photo for the project.

Here’s the project – I bought a record and a clock at Value Village yesterday.  I think the record was a couple of bucks and the clock was $2.99.  Some of them where even cheaper but I liked this clock’s hands….


Clock 2-1

I took the clock apart in a minute while I was talking to my sis on the phone.  Then I took a few pictures of R listening to music and picked the one I liked best –


I then printed out the photo onto a CD label and stuck it onto the clock leaving the middle part of the label.

Clock 2-2

Next I took an exacto knife and cut the middle hole out, stuck the motor through the back and attached the hands…and that was it!

Clock 2-3

Here it is hanging in my kitchen –

Clock 2-4

Clock 1-5

I ended up putting double stick puffy tape that I had in between the motor and record just so it didn’t slip around.  The first time I put it together I put the hands on upside down so they were going back in time so I’d recommend either noting how its going together when you take your clock apart or put it together and watch it a minute before sticking it to the record.  I might add numbers someday too….  Try it and send me photos of your clock!