I’m going to add a new category called Cousins.  In the “About” section on my website I admit that my friend’s tease me that my stories always start with “My cousin”… here’s why – I have so many talented cousins!

My cousin Kelly is an amazing artist. I’m lucky to have a couple of her pieces in my possession and I remembered thinking once (while looking at her art) after our car got broken into and so many things taken that if someone broke into our house and took everything, the only thing I’d really be sad about is my photos and my art.

Kelly’s got a great blog that takes through the day-in day-out life of an artist and Mom of three boys.  It is always inspiring for me – Poesies and Rye.   In light of my recent photo project with a book cover, I thought I’d show you her latest project which is so cool!  I feel a new collection of manila envelopes coming on!
