The weather this Spring has been a bit much for me.  Just when you think it’s going to warm up for good, we get hit with more rain and COLD.  I’m trying to decide if the rain would bother me as much if it wasn’t so cold.  Anyway…with umbrella and grumpy attitude in hand I walked R to school this morning when I saw this!


You can almost just see the fairies collecting water beads to make their tea!  So I ran home and got my camera and starting walking around the ‘hood snapping shots of all the water collection on the leaves.  I started to feel the grumpiness peel away.



This one reminds me of the “Mustard Off Pools’ from Dr. Suess’ “Happy Birthday To You” book.  That was my favorite part of that book growing up.


And this one is for you Muggs!


This one is in my garden.  I forget what this plant is called but it usually has a pool of water saved in the center of its fan leaves.


So if you are feeling grumpy about the weather, pick up your camera to help you see the rain in a whole new way.  It certainly helped me.

Here’s one that my friend Amy shot in Dublin.  She was tired of waiting for the rain to stop to go out and shoot.  I love it!
