I love Summer.  I really really do.  So all the rain gets to me after a while.  It’s about now that I daydream of going to Hawaii, Mexico, Palm Springs…you get the picture.  But alas, it is not in the cards this year.  The next best thing, I’ve found, is to go through my photos from the previous summer.  It actually works!  It reminds me that it’ll be warm again – even HOT!  Yes!  So here are a few that made me feel warm.  Hope they make you feel that way as well – Family Shoot-12Family Shoot-4Family Shoot-6Summer-2Summer-1Summer-3Summer-4Have faith, my friend.    It will be warm again!

I apologize for my lack of posts lately.  I’ve been working on a bunch of cool projects!  More on them soon!!

Oh!  And one more thing – one of my favorite things to do is to talk books!  Mamabloo has her top ten list up and then people are adding to the list in the comments.  So fun to see what people’s faves are!