Last year, my family decided that instead of buying presents for each other, we’d either make, buy handmade or buy used things.  We do an exchange between families and just make something for the kids or the family as a whole.  I have to tell you that I was dreading it a little.  I do like to make stuff but at Christmas I just want to get it over with!  I was pleasantly surprised to find that I enjoyed the act of giving so much more when I put some time into the gifts.  So this year, I was more excited about making stuff!  I wanted to share one of my projects because I’m pretty darn pleased with how it turned out!

I have a friend who spray painted those laminate samples you get at the hardware store with chalkboard spray paint and gave them as gift with a little thing of chalk. So you tie the mini chalkboard to your napkin with a name written on it as a place card!  I thought it was the coolest thing and ever since have wanted to do something with those laminate samples!  So I had the idea to do a calendar and then it turned into an Advent calendar.  Here’s the process –

First I made a sketch and then transferred it to a blank rubber stamp (they have them at art stores with the wood block/linoleum block stuff) and then carved my image out with a linoleum carving tool.  Advent-1


Then I painted the laminate samples, added numbers with a paint pen and then extra paint over that to soften it up.


Then I taped the numbers all together and modpoged some sheet music on the other side, added extra paint until I got the background the way I wanted it.

Advent-4Advent-5Then it was ready to print –



I painted the frame my brother made for me (yes, my brother that I’m making the gift for made the frame for me!) and then put brads in where the holes were.


I didn’t get it done for the 1st, as was the plan.  So I’m pretending this is a photo from their house of what it’d look like today, had they had it on the 1st.


Baby Jesus is on the 25th!  If I had it to do over (besides starting earlier! …Yeah right!) I’d not make it so tight fitting but have a smidge of space between the samples.

Merry Christmas!