Well, I feel myself slipping there.  I’m becoming a birder.  I think it has something to do with my camera, of course.  Although I prefer to take photos of people, there is something very satisfying about getting a shot like this…

dsc_8128Ben and I went down to Juanita Bay park on Sunday morning and I was just giddy at all that was going on.  This Red Wing Blackbird defending its nest against the Heron.  I love listening to the RW Blackbirds.  They have the coolest call.  One landed right by me and posed for a shot.

dsc_8124The turtles were also out all over enjoying the sun like true Seattlites.

dsc_8137And then there were THREE Bald Eagles out on the water.  One started heading towards us and I snapped this.  Its a bit out of focus probably because I was so excited it was coming toward me!  If you think I’m uncool for being a bird nerd, you cannot tell me that it isn’t cool to see three Bald Eagles soaring over the lake!
