Wow.  I’m there already.  I now have a teenager.  Older women told me it would go fast.  It always seemed to be when one of them was holding my leg screaming that they wanted some useless toy and smearing snot all over my jeans.  That is when these women (I know now to give me encouragement) would choose to tell me to enjoy this time because it goes so fast.  I’d look at them and think “Good! I want this part to go fast.”  But now I just want to slam on the breaks!  Sigh.

For my daughter’s birthday, she wanted to get together her neighborhood friends and have photos taken.  We all (missed you I and G!) went down to the Kirkland waterfront and the girls loved being photographed!  Here are some of my favorites from the our time together –

Afterward we gathered for ice cream bars by the water.  The whole birthday party cost me $12.18!  And they all loved it! I’m so proud of G for thinking of it.  I’m also proud of her for giving up her birthday for Charity Water.  It’s not easy for kids to do that!  Can I please still call her a kid?!!

Happy Birthday Bean!  I love you ever so much.